3SAE Combiner Manufacturing Station, CMS

The Combiner Manufacturing System, CMS, is our latest and most advanced optical fiber splicing/processing system. The CMS is specifically designed to maintain production level repeatability for multi kilowatt class high power fiber combiners and other fused optical components.

The CMS operates is partial vacuum and is utilizing the unique Thermally Stabilized Plasma™ technology, which generates an extremely repeatable and stabilized heat source with a vide dynamic range of operation from 3000°C. This makes the CMS ideal for repeatable glass processing and high-volume optical component manufacturing.

The main CMS functionalities:

Splicing of 125µm to 2000µm fibers supported

Automatic alignment with an exclusive <50nm X and Y fiber positional resolution

Automatic pitch and yaw alignment

End cap splicing for cylindrical, chamfered and tapered end caps


Taper lengths of up to 175mm supported in bidirectional mode.

Automatic taper creation via intuitive software interface or manual table editing

Exclusive "Table Based Tapering™" software included for easy user level single direction or bidirectional taper program creation and nearly infinite engineer level process control


Semi-automatic in-situ cleaving of fibers up to 500µm

Adjustable precision cleaving location via image feedback

Features & Benefits
  • Extremely repeatable glass processing heat source ideal for high volume optical component manufacturing with a range of operation from 3000°C.
  • Unsurpassed heat source circumferential thermal uniformity for symmetrical ultra-low loss tapering and reduced thermally induced component stress.
  • Contamination free heat source capable of producing ultra-high strength multi kilowatt class optical components.
  • Fastest cycle times based on standard splice, taper, and cleave cycle times averaged together.
  • In situ cleaver included for fiber diameters ≤ 500µm.
